On March 11, Japan suffered an 8.9-magnitude earthquake, the greatest one in its history, as well as a devastating tsunami.
As an international studies school with Japan as one of our areas of focus, we responded immediately so that all students and staff were informed of the disaster and understood the severity and scope of its destruction.
Mr. Bantz, one of our Japanese teachers, and Ms. Panday quickly prepared a presentation as students and staff filed into the auditorium for Morning Muster. Students viewed video clips of the tsunami and learned which parts of Japan were affected. Mr. Bantz concluded by asking everyone to keep Japan in their thoughts. Mr. Sherman encouraged teachers to adjust their lessons to explore different aspects of the disaster, such as the scientific cause behind earthquakes.
Building compassion for countries and people who exist thousands of miles away and have different customs, beliefs, and language is an international school's ultimate goal. By increasing awareness of the interdependence of our wellbeing, we strive to train our students to become empathetic and proactive global citizens.
East-West students visit a Japanese elementary school (Japan trip 2009)