The Hour of Code 2013

During Computer Science Education Week, our students have the opportunity to participate in the Hour of Code. With the help of our TEALS students, guided by Mrs. Katz, our Computer Science teacher, will be facilitating the instructions to our students who will spend a class period learning how to code and create their own computer program.  The goal is to build excitement for our TEALS program and get our students thinking about careers in Computer Science.

Kevin Vazcones presents Hour of Code at Muster Kevin Vazcones presents Hour of Code at Muster
Chloe Lam, Teals student, leading a presentation on coding. Chloe Lam, TEALS student, leading a presentation on coding.
Our middle school students participating in their Hour of Code Our 9th grade students, Paul Seo, Destyn Hall and Intisam Chowdury, participating in the Hour of Code
Main Kong Koo, TEALS student, guiding our middle school students during their Hour of Code. Main Kong Koo, TEALS student, guiding our middle school students during their Hour of Code.
Students learning the basics of coding. Students learning the basics of coding.

Students are encouraged to continue their Hour of Code anywhere they have internet access on a computer, tablet, iPad, or smartphone.  Students can click on the following link: for a variety of self-guided tutorials to learn how to code, or get an introduction to JavaScript.  Students can also download programs and get "unplugged" about computer science, programming logic, or even the valuable skill of debugging.  There are also apps available on any device to learn about core programming logic for kids as young 4.

Click here to view more photos from the Hour of Code 2013 album

For more information about the Hour of Code 2013 campaign, please visit or click here for the Computer Science Education Week pdf.