2016 Lunch Application

September 1, 2016


Good Evening, This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important reminder regarding your child’s lunch form. Please remember to complete the form before the first day of school.  You can log on to our website and follow the link located under Summer 2016.  It is important for your form to be filled out prior to the start of school so that no charges will be incurred on your child’s account.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at www.ewsis.org. Thank you and have a pleasant evening. 


您好! 東西方國際學習學校提醒您有關您孩子的午餐表。請在開學前完成填寫此表。您也可到學校網站點擊”summer 2016” 再點擊” lunch form” 。為了避免不必要的金額出現在您小孩的午餐帳户裏,在開學前完成填寫此表是非常重要的。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是www.ewsis.org. 謝謝您! 晚安。