The PTA are hosting a wonderful opportunity for a Defensive Driving Course that will take place on Saturday, March 12, 2022. If you have your Driver's License, this driving course will not only save you money on your insurance, it can also reduce some points on your record! The PTA will be having a short meeting at 9:30AM with a light breakfast immediately before the driving course begins! The first 25 people to be registered can attend for FREE; these attendees must also be present for the PTA meeting.
If you are not one of the first 25, the price will be $60 and maximum capacity is 40 people. If you are interested, please contact me so I can register you.
If this date does not work for you, a second Defensive Driving Course will be on April 2, 2022.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Arielle Campell, Parent Coordinator:
这封电子邮件提醒您,PTA 正在为将于 2022 年 3 月 12 日星期六举行的防御性驾驶课程提供绝佳机会。如果您有驾照,此驾驶课程不仅可以为您节省保险费用,它还可以减少您的记录中的一些分数! PTA 将在上午 9:30 举行一次简短的会议,并在驾驶课程开始前享用清淡的早餐!前25名报名者可免费参加;这些与会者也必须出席 PTA 会议。
如果您不是前 25 人,价格为 60 美元,最多可容纳 40 人。如果您有兴趣,请与我联系,以便我为您注册。如果此日期不适合您,第二次防御性驾驶课程将在 2022 年 4 月 2 日举行。