Friday/Tea with the Principal March 2020 Phone Blast
Scheduled on 3/1
Good evening, this is the East-West School of International Studies calling with two important messages. You are invited to have tea with the principal on Friday, March 6th at 9 am. This is an opportunity to speak to Mr. Cromer in person and hear about all the exciting things happening at our school. You will also have an opportunity to visit your child’s classrooms from 8 am to 2 pm. Our next parent workshop will be on Tuesday, March 10th, from 2:45 to 3:45pm. This workshop is intended for parents to learn about suicide and Self-Harm Awareness. We look forward to seeing you!!! Thank you and have a pleasant evening.
晚上好,東西方學校打來告訴您兩個重要的訊息,星期五,三月六日上午9 點,您被邀請與校長喝早茶。這將是一個很好的機會與校長Cromer先生談話 並知道一些在學校發生的令人興奮的事。您也有機會從上午8點至下午兩點 到教室看您的孩子上課。下一個家長講座將在星期二,3月10日下午2點45 分至3點45分舉行。此講座的目的是讓父母學習如何防範自殺和自我傷害。 我們期待能見到您!!! 謝謝您! 晚安。