
  • Written by Nafees Rahman, 11th Grader


    The Color War was an event that took place on September 18th, a day during which all students at East-West, both the middle school and high school students and faculty, spent a day outside in a football field at Kissena Park.


    All students were gathered into the auditorium at Muster for an Olympic-style Opening Ceremony and were cheered on by all grades.


    Students participated in physical activities that started off with students in each grade holding hands and moving a hoop la hoop from one person to the next.


    Although there was a spirit of competition, the Color War helped to bring staff and students and students of different grades together.


    Although the Seniors won, many grades mingled with one another and the purpose of the Color War which was to bring the school together, had become a success!

    Click here to view more photos from this album.

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    The student from Mr. Deihl’s “Mathematical Connections and Practice” Class have been using mathematical methods to make scale models.  They took apart a cereal box, tissue box, or other common household item by carefully unfolding it to get a “net” or two-dimensional surface of the original three-dimensional box.


    Then, using an architect’s scale, they accurately measured in inches the shape of the net, and translated it using a scale of 1” = 3/8”, or another scale such as 3/16” to diminish the original size.


    One student began with a small box and expanded it by 1.5 times.


    These are all examples of dilation, a geometric transformation in scale between similar shapes, which have all angles congruent to the original pre-image, but whose sides are in proportion to it; in most cases = D3/8.


    This exercise has many applications including making scale-models for architects, movie sets, and urban planning.  Students then critiqued each others’ work, using a rubric in three categories:  accuracy, neatness, and imagination.

    Click here to view more photos from this album.

  • Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Bike-A-Thon on Saturday, October 18th, to raise money for breast cancer research has been postponed until the spring.  I know that our students and families were looking forward to riding bicycles together, but for reasons of safety, it had to be postponed.

    We hope you will still make a generous donation to support breast cancer research by clicking on the following link:  As always, East-West students are encouraged to ride their bicycles to school each day.  They may store their bikes in the art room.

    Thank you for your understanding.

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    Photo courtesy of East-West School of International Studies

    Photo courtesy of East-West School of International Studies

    Teenaged bikers are coming to Flushing, with the backing of the city.

    The Department of Transportation (DOT) has accepted a Flushing school’s application to participate in a biking program that would develop bike routes for students to use in their commutes to school, according to the school’s spokeswoman, Polly Chea.

    The three-year program started last year, and East-West School of International Studies, a sixth through 12th grade public school, will be the first Queens school to participate in the Department of Transportation project.

    Schools are selected through an annual competitive application process. Throughout the program, schools work with the DOT and community partners to develop safe bike routes for kids to use to get to school. The school will also install bike racks and create a bike club, for the more hardcore bikers.

    Chea said that the school will be holding a bike-a-thon on Oct. 18 to celebrate the new project. Students will be cycling around Flushing Meadows Corona Park’s Meadow Lake in the morning.

    Schools selected to participate in the DOT project will receive a stipend of $500 to assist in implementing the program. The school also has to include a curriculum with in-classroom discussions of bike transportation as well as special community building and recreational events.

  • Hot off the press! 10 students and 2 teachers from Nishio High School, our sister school in Japan, will be visiting us for one week in December. This is an exciting opportunity for all members of our school community to participate in authentic international cultural exchange.

    • The Nishio students and teachers will be arriving on Friday, December 12 and departing on Friday December 19.
    • On Monday December 15th and Thursday December 18th the exchange students and teachers will be spending the school day at East-West.
    • We are looking for two teachers to host the two teachers who will be visiting this year.The students and teachers will all do homestays with East-West families. Last year, East-West families successfully hosted 22 exchange students; Mr. Sherman hosted the principal, and Ms. Rengifo and Mr. Kuang each hosted a teacher.

    Look out for more details in upcoming newsletters. Want to help organize the visit? Please drop Mr. Bantz or Ms. Brainsky a line.
