Free Lunch Beginning Sept 7, 2017

Wed Sep 6 2017

The New York City Department of Education (DOE) is pleased to announce that starting this school year, lunch is now completely free for all students in every New York City public school. Breakfast is already provided for free and now all meals will be served at no charge to families.

We need your help to make this program a success. All parents, regardless of income, must still complete a School Meals Form so that our schools get access to federal funding for this program and others. Please complete the form online at by December 29, 2017. A hardcopy of the form will also be sent home and is available at your school’s main office.

If you have already added money to your MySchoolBucks account for your child’s lunches this year, or if you have a balance remaining from prior years, you will receive a full refund. DOE will follow up with information on how to get your refund in the coming weeks.

Please join me in spreading the word that breakfast and lunch are free for all students every day. I hope your child will take advantage of this wonderful new opportunity and come enjoy a healthy meal with us.

Download Links:

Free Lunch Flyer Translated (PDF)

Free Lunch Flyer Spanish (PDF)

DOE Press Release Translated (PDF)