Honor Roll Students
We at East-West promote a culture of academic rigor and high standards. For each marking period, we hold a special ceremony at Muster when we honor and celebrate our highest achieving students.
List of Honor Recipients
Honor Roll certificates will be awarded for excellence in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd marking periods.
Clarification on the 3rd marking period honor roll:
- The 3rd marking period grade is not cumulative. Honor roll will be based on the 3rd marking period grade.
- The final grade, which is cumulative (average of the first three marking periods), appears on the high school transcript, but will not be used to determine honor roll.
Stepping Up Ceremony
The annual Stepping Up Ceremony celebrates our rising 8th graders and honors their entrance to high school. As a grade 6-12 school, the transition from being leaders in middle school to eventual leaders in high school is an important milestone.
Click the thumbnail to view photo albums from previous years: