Senior Prom 2013

On June 5, 2013, our Senior Class of 2013 celebrated the culmination of their high school career at Prom Night.   The party was held at the Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel in Flushing

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IMG_1254 The East-West School does not have a limit to the number of dates one brings to Prom Night.
The presentation of the corsage is still customary. The presentation of the corsage is still customary.
Jimena with Ms. Marinos and Ms. Washington Jimena with Ms. Marinos and Ms. Washington
Let's dance! Let's dance!
Our future leaders Our future leaders
Who's excited! Who's excited!
Everyone on the dance floor Everyone on the dance floor
Camera check Camera check
Congratulations to the Class of 2013. Congratulations to the Class of 2013.

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