Breaking the Crust at White Coffee Corp.

In an effort to raise college and career awareness, Mrs. Katz and a few 11th grade students visited the White Coffee Corp. which is located in Long Island City.

Mrs. Katz and her 11th grade advisory getting an exclusive tour of White Coffee Corp

They were greeted by Jonathan White, Executive VP of White Coffee Corp and an esteemed member of our East-West School Foundation.

Our students were excited to be afforded an opportunity to have an up close and personal tour with a leader in the coffee industry.
Mr. White explains the vacuum sealed technology in their packaging. Mr. White explains the vacuum sealed technology in their packaging.
Students learn how coffee beans are analyzed and screened before they get processed. Students learn how coffee beans are analyzed and screened before they get processed.

They learned how White Coffee Corp imports coffee beans from countries outside the US while maintaining a high level of quality control and consistency, how they are able to manufacture and create their various signature blends, and the secret to their marketing strategies and how they continue to be innovative in a competitive industry.

Our students had the opportunity to sample various coffee blends through a practice known as cupping. Our students getting a demonstration on the practice of coffee cupping.

Most notably; they concluded the day with a traditional coffee cupping which is a ceremony where they were able to learn how to identify quality, analyze consistency and sample various rich flavors of coffee.

Jamila, shown here breaking the crust of the coffee before she loudly slurps it so the coffee can spread to the back of her tongue. Jamila, shown here "breaking the crust" while inhaling the aromatics that drift up.

Our students were able to make real world connections using their knowledge of geography, science, math, careers, literacy and college majors; all subjects touched upon during their time here at East-West! It was a short experience that leads our students to think about the deeper connection between their classes at East-West and embarking on a long term career.

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