Spring Cleaning For It's My Park Day

Instead of sleeping in on a Saturday morning or video games over breakfast, thirty students participated in cleaning up Rachel Carson Playground, painting benches and garbage cans, planting flower beds, raking leaves, and just picking up trash that has been blown into the park.

Thirty East-West students Thirty East-West students asisted Green Earth Urban Gardens and Queensboro Hill Neighborhood Association with It's My Park Day
Able students ready for a day of manual labor. Smiling students ready for a day of manual labor.
Hanglong and Cheng Rong teaming up Hanglong and Cheng Rong working together 
DSC00335 This looks easier than it really is.


Jiong Yu Jiong Yu!!!
Painting garbage cans Painting garbage cans...
and benches and benches...
and at times it got messy...
Volunteering has its reward ... but free pizza and t-shirt for volunteering has its satisfaction.

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