Dear East-West Parents and Guardians,
First, we are very sorry that our April PTA meeting was cancelled due to the closing of the school building. The school administration as well as the PTA was taken by surprise when we arrived at the school to find it had been locked due to construction. Our next PTA meeting will be held Saturday May 14, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Please join us for a delicious Mother’s Day Breakfast Buffet and catch up on everything that is happening in the School.
The business portion of the meeting will include an important discussion about the PTA officer elections that will take place at our June PTA meeting. The job descriptions of the various officers can be found on the reverse of this letter. Please consider stepping up to help the school by running for a position on the PTA Executive Board. We will be discussing the role of the School Leadership Team and upcoming elections for parent representatives on it as well. You will hear an update on the status of the school’s new Dragon Boat Team, news about a fun (and filling) fundraising event called Empanadas from Around the World, and a briefing on the progress of our first school play, The 25thAnnual Putnam County Spelling Bee. We will also hear the latest news and information about East-West from the PTA and Principal, Mr. Sherman, as well as our Assistant Principals, Ms.Oh and Ms. Panday. And we do our best to allow plenty of time for a question and answer period so that the concerns of the parents can be addressed by the school administration. As always, Spanish and Chinese translators will be present to help out.
Please do join us on May 14 to get to know better our teachers, administrators, and other parents, and to help make the most of your child’s education.
PTA Executive Board
East-West School of International Studies
Available Officer Positions: Duties & Responsibilities
• Presides at all meetings of the association
• Appoints chairpersons of PTA committees with the approval of executive board
• Attends all regular meetings of the District 25 Presidents’ Council
• Core member of the School Leadership Team
• Meets regularly with executive board to plan agendas for general membership meetings
• Signatory on checks
• Represents the PTA on district committees (or assigns a designee)
Vice-President (Membership)
• Chairs the Membership Committee and generates a list of Members in Good Standing
• If Co-President becomes incapacitated, is removed, or resigns, the Vice-President will assume the powers and responsibilities of the Co-President until the Co-President is able to resume office or until a replacement is voted in by the membership
• Maintains official record of proceedings and actions of all association meetings, including notices, agendas, sign-in sheets and material distributed.
• Prepares minutes of each association meeting in time for review and adoption at next appropriate meeting. Make minutes available upon request
• Maintains log of all amendments to by-laws; ensures copies are on file in principal’s office
• Assists Treasurer with June transfer of all PTA records to incoming executive board
• Responsible for all financial affairs and funds of the association
• Maintains updated record of income and expenditures
• Signatory on checks
• Adheres to and implements all financial procedures established by association
• Provides financial reports at all association meetings
• Make available books/financial records for member viewing upon request and for audit
• Prepares and assists Secretary with June transfer of PTA records to incoming executive board