Dear East-West Parents, Guardians, and Staff,
We want to wish all of you a Happy Holiday!
One important item on this month’s agenda is the PTA’s expedited election forPTA Vice-President. We regret to inform you that our current Vice-President, Mark Choi, has tendered his resignation. We congratulate Mr. Choi on his new job, and hope that he will still be able to volunteer some of his time to help out with school events. Anyone interested in running for this position, please contact us at and we will put your name on the ballot. You must be present at this meeting to accept the nomination and run for office.
Our membership drive is ongoing so please be encouraged to sign-up and send in your dues to the PTA. If you have not yet contributed, please take the opportunity to do so at this coming meeting. Our suggested contribution is $50.00, but we appreciate any amount that you are able to donate.
In order to foster better communication, we are in the process of updating our email contact list. Please take a moment to send us an email at and request to be added on to our contact list. We will be utilizing this tool more to communicate with all of you in regards to PTA news and announcements.
And finally, we always allow plenty of time for a question and answer period so that the concerns of our parents can be addressed by the school administration.
Immediately following the PTA meeting, our Assistant Principal, Ms. Bradsher, will be holding a separate meeting to update parents on 8th Grade Stepping Up plans and activities. All 8th Grade parents are encouraged to stay for this informative meeting.
Thank you for your continued support and participation. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, December 7, 2013.
PTA Executive Board
East-West School of International Studies