Dear Class of 2015,
East-West School of International Studies Class of 2015 is preparing for a fantastic senior year. I hope that you all will enjoy the many exciting activities and events that we are planning for you. In order to begin your quest to graduation we are requesting your senior dues; which will go directly to the class of 2015 treasury. Your senior dues are $130.00, and they are mandatory. These dues will pay for YOUR Cap, Gown, Graduation Fees, and Yearbook.
****The only way to have a cap and gown at graduation is to pay your senior dues. Cap and gowns will be purchased through East-West School of International Studies’ senior dues ONLY****
Please be aware that you must pay your class dues before you are able to attend the Prom and/or Senior Trip. Seniors must also pay their dues if graduating in summer school instead of June. Please pay your dues early to ensure you will have a cap and gown in time for graduation. Your guidance counselor, Ms. Park is the ONLY person who can accept your senior dues. If you are paying with a check, please make them payable to East-West School of International Studies. There will be a fee added on if the check bounces.
Senior Prom and Senior Trip will be additional costs for those who wish to attend and more information will be forth coming.
Please contact Ms. Park at for more information regarding senior class dues or yearbook information. The total payment is due no later than Friday, October 31, 2014.
The East-West Class of 2015 has been a significant piece to our program, and we would like you to be a part of the thrilling senior experience.
Thank you,
Ms. Jeannie Park
Guidance Counselor