Regents Exams for high school students will take place on the following days:
Tuesday, June 2nd
8:00 AM Common Core Regents in English Language Arts
12:00 PM Common Core Regents in Geometry
Tuesday, June 16th
8:00 AM Regents in US History and Government
12:00 PM Living Environment
Wednesday, June 17th
8:00 AM Regents in Global History and Geography
12:00 PM Physical Setting in Physics
12:00 PM Common Core Regents in Algebra I
Thursday, June 18th
8:00 AM Integrated Algebra
12:00 PM Comprehensive English
Friday, June 19th
8:00 AM Physical Setting in Earth Science
8:00 AM Algebra 2 - Trigonometry
12:00 PM Geometry (2005 Standard)
Monday, June 22nd
8:00 AM LOTE
8:00 AM RCT in Global Studies
12:00 PM RCT in Writing
Tuesday, June 23rd
8:00 AM Physical Setting in Chemistry
8:00 AM RCT in Science
12:00 PM RCT in US History and Government
Wednesday, June 24th
8:00 AM RCT in Reading
12:00 PM RCT in Mathematics
If your child is taking a Regents exam, he or she will receive an exam invitation at school and the parent will receive a letter at home.
If your child is not taking any of the Regents exams, he or she does not have school on June 2nd.
Last day for High School students is Monday, June 15th. High School students return on Friday June 26 to pick up their report card.
More information will be posted as the school year comes to a close.