- DOE Teacher Page: Fantastic resources for NYC teachers. This should be your first stop.
- DOE Professional Development: PD opportunities for teachers organized by the NYC DOE.
- BOE Personnel Directory: An searchable directory for Board of Education employees.
- Employee Self Service (ESS): Access your personal information online from home or work.
- DOE Translation Resources
- Castle Learning: Useful for Regents preparation. Speak to Karen Adams for more information.
- NYSED Bilingual Glossaries
Common Core Standards
- Common Core Standards: Official website.
- EngageNY: Official website developed and maintained by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to support the implementation of key aspects of the New York State Board of Regents Reform Agenda.
- Common Core Mathematics (including design specifications)
- Common Core English Language Arts (including design specifications)
Other Resources
- Open Colleges, an online education provider based in Sydney Australia with teacher resources on education strategies and understanding the Common Core State Standards.