
  • East-West Students and Mrs. Katz at Asia Society with US Ambassador, Gary Locke East-West Students and Mrs. Katz at Asia Society with US Ambassador, Gary Locke

    As a member of the Hanban-Asia Society Confucius Classroom Network, four East-West students were invited to Asia Society and Museum for a question and answer session with US Ambassador to China, Gary Locke.

    Mrs. Katz writes:

    On Monday afternoon, I was fortunate to chaperone 4 East-West students (Moheeb Ahmed, Sequoya Fahie, Yi Yan and Jiaming Lin) to a student question and answer session with Gary Locke, the US Ambassador to China.  Ambassador Locke has served as Governor of Washington State, US Secretary of Commerce and in other public offices.  East-West was among 7 other schools invited, all of whom have  Confucius Classrooms like we do.
    Moheeb Ahmed, Jiaming Lin, Yi Yan and Sequoya Fahie Moheeb Ahmed, Jiaming Lin, Yi Yan and Sequoya Fahie
    We sent in three questions and we were selected to ask the Ambassador one.  Sequoya asked:  What can the US and China do to help solve the world's problems.  He responded that we work together on issues such as climate change, we support each other in military ventures and diplomatic causes.  He seemed to enjoy speaking with the students and asked if there were more questions later.  Moheeb asked about the difference between our rights as Americans and rights of the Chinese people.  Ambassador Locke discussed freedom of expression and human rights.  He said how lucky we were, and how it is hopeful that China will move in that direction.  In answering another question, he stressed the importance of an education filled with reading, writing, math and overall critical thinking.  He also spoke about his pride at being the first Asian-American governor, Secretary of Commerce and more.
    US Ambassador Gary Locke US Ambassador Gary Locke
    After a few questions from other schools, we took a group picture that I hope to be able to share soon.  He was an excellent speaker and related well to the students.
    East-West Students participate in Q&A session East-West Students participate in Q&A session
    After this, we were able to watch a webcast of George Stephanopoulous interviewing the Ambassador. It was very interesting.  They served us a pizza dinner, and then we headed back home.
    ABC's Chief Political Correspondent, George Stephanopoulos, interviewing US Ambassador, Gary Locke ABC's Chief Political Correspondent, George Stephanopoulos, interviewing US Ambassador, Gary Locke
    I think that the idea that our kids got to be part of this conversation.  It helps them to understand the importance of global relationships and the global economy.
    Thank you once again to Ms. Chang for writing the grant that allows us to have a Confucius classroom and have the opportunity for trips to China and experiences like today.  Thank you to Mr. Sherman for making this all possible.

    Click here to view more photos from this event.

    Dear Asia Society Confucius Classrooms/ISSN in New York City:

    We were pleased by the great turnout at this week's special event with Ambassador Gary Locke. Thank you for putting together such a terrific group of students to represent your schools and the International Studies Schools and Confucius Classrooms networks – especially on such short notice. We hope you will agree it was a substantive event. The time the Ambassador spent with the students was a bit longer than we expected, so we were happy he could take even more questions from the students than we'd prepared for. Again, we appreciate your patience with the unexpected, cantankerous technology we experienced in the latter part of the program. We're very sorry that the connection proved to be so poor, likely due to the volume of folks also watching the live stream around the world.

    We would love to hear feedback from you and the students in particular. If you and/or your students have a few moments to let us know what you thought of the interaction with the Ambassador and what he had to say, or any other comments about the event, we would very much welcome them!

    Attached is the professional group photograph, and we've collected the rest of the images on Flickr. It's a private photo set, so you'll have to access it with this guest pass:

    From this Flickr set, you may download any photo as follows:

    • Click on the thumbnail photo you'd like to view and download.
    • From the pull-down "Actions" menu at the upper left-hand corner of the photo, select "View all sizes."
    • Select the size you'd like to download, then click on "Download the XX size of this photo.

    You might also like to read the post which our Vice President of Education, Tony Jackson, wrote for his EdWeek blog, reflecting on the event:

    Enjoy, and we look forward to hearing from you!

    Best regards and happy holidays,
    Asia Society Education

    Advice From an Ambassador: Do This and Be Set for Life

    By Anthony Jackson on December 19, 2012 4:16 AM

    Yesterday I watched as New York City teens talked about pirates.

    They weren't talking about Robinson Crusoe in class. Nor was their conversation about the Pittsburgh Pirates, and it certainly wasn't about Captain Jack Sparrow.

    They were talking about very real pirates off the Eastern coast of Africa. And they were talking about it with the Honorable Gary Locke, U.S. Ambassador to China.

    The students came from seven secondary schools throughout the city that have an international studies focus, and they were all Chinese language learners. Their questions came as easily as their comfort in hanging out with a United States Ambassador.

    Sequoya Fahie asked about bilateral relations solving common problems.

    "We're not going to be able to solve many of the world's problems unless China and the United States are working together," the diplomat explained. There are many international security issues that the United States and China work on together: the war in Afghanistan, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in North Korea, and water security issues related to global warming.

    The discourse about international affairs was important to the students, but perhaps more so was how they can make a difference in the world.

    Isaac Guerrero asked about career pathways into a life of civic service, like the one Locke has chosen. Locke started out in law, and then went into local government. His advice to the students, however, didn't mirror his own experience.

    "[In the 21st century], learn about history. Learn about culture. And language," he advised. "If you can speak Chinese or Spanish, you are practically guaranteed a job in your chosen field."

    Ambassador Locke said that people of his father's generation often stayed in one job throughout their working lives. "The thing to understand," he told the students, "is that you have many possibilities throughout your life."

    Beyond diplomacy, he encouraged students to follow their many passions, whether law or writing, dance or running a business. The key? "Get a good education."

    "It's not so important to memorize things as it is to be able to analyze things," Locke said. He encouraged students to pursue deeper learning: ask questions, have an informed opinion, and be able to defend their positions. While he encouraged them to be strong in the humanities and sciences, he stressed that their ability to think critically would set them apart.

    Hearing the many questions the students posed to Ambassador Locke—from heritage and identity issues to international relations—it's clear to me that these students are getting exactly the kind of education Locke urges them to pursue. They are able to raise good questions and express themselves clearly, and they are confident in their quest to learn more about the complex world around them.

    In this interconnected world, every student should have this type of education. As Ambassador Locke said, with it, "you'll be set for life."

    The students represented the College of Staten Island High School for International Studies; the East-West School of International Studies; Medgar Evers College Preparatory School; Edward Bleeker Junior High School; Global Learning Collaborative; Henry Street School for International Studies; and the Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School. They are all part of Asia Society's International Studies Schools Network or the Confucius Classrooms Network.

  • East-West School of International Studies

    Drama Department

    proudly presents

    All in the Timing

    A programme of short comedies by

    David Ives

    image All in the Timing

    Wednesday, December 19th

    First seating at: 11:15 am

    Second seating at: 12:45 pm

    East-West School Auditorium

    All in the Timing is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists' Play Service, Inc., New York.

    Cast and Crew of All in the Timing Cast and Crew of All in the Timing

    A Note from the Director:

    It has been said that English-speakers around the world are peoples divided by a common language.  Who among us, indeed, has not experienced the frustrations that come with trying to communicate with friends, families, loved ones or strangers who seem to speak the same language as you do but who, for whatever reason, just don't seem to get what in blazes you're trying to get across to them?

    The comedies that you are about to hear and see are, I think, about language and communication and "subtext" -- what goes on under people's words - and I think, too, that they actually glory in the gulfs and chasms that exist between us.  Perhaps too that these plays ask us, each in their own way and in their own imaginary worlds, through our smiles and laughter, to look at human communication in a different way.

    But don't take my word for it.  What do you think they're about?

    -J.M. Krummel, New York, December of 2012

    Here's how Dramatists' Play Service sums up the stories:

    The Universal Language: A shy young woman named Dawn wants to learn the Unamunda language, and comes to see Don for lessons.  Wild verbal pyrotechnics ensure.  But to what end?

    8M4A6453 Leigh Singer as Dawn, Sky Johnson as Don



    Words, Words, Words: An unseen scientist wants to prove the old philosophical saying that three monkeys typing into infinity will sooner or later write Hamlet.  What would the monkeys talk about at their typewriters?

    Renard Scott as Swift, Jenna Choi as Milton, and Zobia Jamal as Kafka Words, Words, Words
    Renard Scott as Swift Renard Scott as Swift
    Jenna Choi as Milton Jenna Choi as Milton
    Zobia Jamal as Kafka Zobia Jamal as Kafka

    Sure Thing: A man and a woman meet in a cafe and try to find their way through a conversational minefield as an offstage bell interrupts their false starts, gaffes, and faux pas, taking them back to the beginning again and again.  And again.  To what end?

    Raven Waters as Betty, Michael Butler as Bill Raven Waters as Betty, Michael Butler as Bill
    8M4A6594 "Do you come here often?"

    The Philadelphia: A young man in a diner has fallen into "a Philadelphia," a parallel universe in which he cannot get anything he asks for.  His only way out of the dilemma?  To ask for the opposite of what he wants...

    Tongue sandwich? Tongue sandwich?
    Sangkit Wat as Al Sangkit Wat as Al
    Luye Mei as The Waitress, Michael Ma as Marcus Luye Mei as The Waitress, Michael Ma as Marcus

    Click here to view more photos from this album.


  • Mrs. Matthusen's AP Literature class recently had an incredible time during their video chat with author Mike Rose.

    AP Lit Class video chatting with author Mike Rose AP Lit Class video chatting with author Mike Rose

    Students asked him questions about the article they read by him, and some of the issues in education that have been discussed.

    Mike Rose answering students' questions Mr. Rose answering students' questions

    The students found Mr. Rose to be very gracious, and had really interesting things to say about our country's school.

    Our students were captivated by what Mr. Rose had to say Our students were captivated by what Mr. Rose had to say

    Mrs. Matthusen's 11th grade class will be video chatting with a representative from the Salem Witch Museum in Salem, MA on December 13 in conjunction with their reading of The Crucible.

  • IMG_0060 East-West Students Visit Stony Brook

    Mrs. Katz writes:

    Thanks to Ms. Washington's careful planning, the College Bound Initiative's incredible support, and our wonderful Seniors, we had a great trip to Stony Brook. The kids loved the school and asked some great questions at the info session and throughout the tour. When the admissions counselors asked who was going to apply to Stony Brook, every hand went right up. I was so proud! We were even fortunate enough to get to spend time with Crystal Hong, East-West '12, and a sophomore who looks and sounds just like me :)

    We all trekked through campus in the sleet, saw a lecture hall, the library, the Student Activity Center, dorm room and ate lunch in a student dining facility. I think they really got the feel for a college experience. I asked some of them if they could see themselves walking around here next year, and they said absolutely!

    Again, thank you Clarice and College Bound for making this happen! Thank you Ben, for bringing Clarice and College Bound to East-West!

    IMG_0061 Students toured all over the campus.
    1127121220 Dining with Crystal Hong, East-West Class of 2012.

    Click here to view more photos of the trip.

  • stacking

    Once again our school participated with schools all over the world to help break the Guinness World Record for "Most People Sport Stacking at Multiple Locations in One Day!

    A New World Record for STACK UP!

    A new world record for "Most People Sport Stacking at Multiple Locations" has made its mark for 2012.  Thanks to the 483,658 stackers from 2,375 schools and organizations representing 30 countries around the world for making this year's WSSA STACK UP! the biggest and best ever.

    At exactly 1:59pm MST on Friday, November 16th, last year's record of 412,259 was broken with the help of the 620 stackers at J.Larry Newton School in Fairhope, Alabama.  Verifications continued to pour in until all were accounted for and the final tally reached.

    If you would like more information, or learn how you can participate next year, please contact Mrs. Horowtiz.

    Click here to see more photos from this album.
