
  • Marking Period 2 report cards can be viewed on Pupil Path or your New York City Schools Account.  If you have not signed up for Pupil Path yet, please reach out to Ms. Hu, our Parent Coordinator for access and help creating your account. Thank you and have a pleasant evening.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at

    For more information on how to sign up and use Pupil Path, check out our guides for parents in English or Chinese.


    Las Tarjetas de Reportes para el período número 2 están disponibles para ser vistas en “Pupil Path”. Por favor, visiten el “Pupil Path” para ver la Tarjeta de Reporte de su hijo. Les pedimos a los padres que, si todavía no han creado una cuenta en “Pupil Path”, por favor de enviar un correo electrónico a la Sra. Hu, para crear su cuenta de padre. Usted también puede ver este mensaje en nuestra página web,

    Publication Period: 
    Friday, May 8, 2020
  • Elevate Education, an award-winning organization that has been delivering study skills training to thousands of AP students across NYC, will be hosting a free live webinar for parents and families this Thursday, April 30th at 7 PM. Topics will include helping your child remove distractions and stay focused, how to help them manage their time, as well as free apps they can download to increase productivity. Please use this link to register:

    We believe this resource will be great for families to support the remote learning experience for their children.

    We look forward to you and your families joining us on Thursday, April 30th at 7 PM

    Publication Period: 
    Wednesday, April 29, 2020
  • Remote Learning Survey for Parents - Please complete by next week

    Good Morning, This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important message. The New York City Department of Education is asking that all parents and guardians complete the remote learning survey, by next week. The results will help the DOE make improvements to remote learning. All parents are encouraged to have their voices heard. The survey will be posted in all languages later this week on the DOE website. Any parent who would like to complete the survey in their home language, should check back on Thursday for the translated survey. Parents may also take the survey by calling 311. Thank you for your participation and support. A link to the survey can be found on our East-West website. If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at 

    早上好,這是東西方國際學習學校打來告訴您一個重要的訊息。紐約市教育局要求所有 父母和監護人在下週之前完成遠程學習調查。結果將有助於教育局改進遠程學習。鼓勵 所有父母發表自己的意見。該調查將在本週晚些時候會將所有語言發佈在教育局網站 上。任何希望以母語完成調查的父母都應在星期四再回來查看翻譯語言的調查。家長也 可以撥打311完成調查。謝謝您的參與和支持。您可以在我們的東西網站上找到該調查的 鏈接。如果您錯過了此消息的任何部分,請查閱我們的網站,網址是 

    Publication Period: 
    Tuesday, April 21, 2020
  • Good Evening, This is the East-West School calling with important information regarding students with disabilities. A letter from the New York City Department of Education has been posted to our website at with information pertaining to your child. Thank you and have a safe weekend. 

    您好,這是東西方學校打來告訴您有關殘疾學生的重要信息。紐約市教育局 與您的孩子有關的信息已發佈到我們的網站。。謝謝您,祝 您有個安全的周末。 

    Publication Period: 
    Saturday, April 18, 2020
  • Good Evening senior parents a letter from Chancellor Carranza and other important information has been posted to our website for you to review. Please check the website and if you have any questions please reach out to Ms. Park or Mr. Bantz. We hope you are staying safe and as information is provided to us we will be sharing it with you. If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at



    12年級家長, 晚上好! 一封本自敎育局總監Carranza的信以及其他重要信息已發佈到我們的網站

    Publication Period: 
    Tuesday, April 7, 2020
  • School Closure extension 4/29/20 

    Good evening, this is the East-West School of International Studies calling about an important announcement. All New York City schools will remain closed and will continue with remote learning through April 29, 2020. Spring vacation has been cancelled. Remote learning will continue each Monday through Friday until April 29. Thank you and have a great evening. 


    晚上好,這是東西方國際學習學校打來告訴您一個重要的消息。紐約市所有 學校將保持關閉狀態,並將繼續進行遠程學習,直到2020年4月29日。 春 季假期巳取消。遠程學習將從星期一至星期五持續到4月29日。 謝謝您! 晚 安!

    Publication Period: 
    Monday, April 6, 2020
  • English

    Hello, Parents, this is Principal Cromer calling with an important update. I hope you and everyone in your family is safe and healthy and I trust you are all staying home.  

    Beginning Monday, April 6th all students are required by the Department of Education to start their day by signing into the Daily Attendance on Google Classroom.  


    You can find a summary and expectations for remote learning, and directions on our website at



    4 月2日冠狀病毒更新 家長們好! ,這是Cromer校長打來告訴您一個重要更新訊息,我希望您和家人安全,健康,我相 信你們都待在家裡。從4月6日星期一開始,教育部要求所有學生通過在Google課堂上登錄每日出 勤來開始新的一天。您可以到我們的網站www.ewsis.org找到有關遠程學習的摘要,期望和方 向。


    Publication Period: 
    Saturday, April 4, 2020
  • Starting today, Thursday April 2, 2020, there will be a school-wide Google Classroom called "Daily Attendance and Announcements." 

    All students must join this Google classroom.

    Students should visit this "Daily Attendance and Announcements" Google classroom at the START of each school day. The deadline to visit this Google classroom every single day is 5 PM to be marked 'Present' for school attendance.

    There will be one multiple choice question each day. If a student answers the question, he/she will be marked 'Present.' Students must also continue to do the check in/Do Now assignments for all of their classes.

    If a child does not visit the "Daily Attendance and Announcements" Google classroom, the child will receive a "reminder" email. If the child still does not visit the "Daily Attendance and Announcements" Google classroom, then the parent will receive a phone call from the school the next day.





    如果孩子没有访问“每日出勤和公告” Google教室,则该孩子将收到“提醒”电子邮件。如果孩子仍然不访问Google的“每日出勤和公告”教室,则家长将在第二天收到学校的电话。

    Publication Period: 
    Thursday, April 2, 2020
  • There have been many questions from parents and students about which exams have been canceled for this school year.


    As of April 8, 2020,  New York State exam cancellations that affect East-West students are:

    • Grades 6-7 State Math Exam (canceled for 2019-2020 School Year)
    • Grades 6-8 ELA State Exam (canceled for 2019-2020 School Year)
    • Grades 6-8 NYSESLAT Exam (for English Language Learners only, canceled for 2019-2020 School Year)
    • NY State Regents exams (June 2020): please read the HS Seniors Letter for information on graduation requirements


    Not Canceled

    Updated 4/8/2020

    • 8th Grade Chinese SLP exam: Not canceled at this time
    • AP Exams: The College Board has announced that AP exams will not be administered in school buildings, but students will be able to take AP exams at home. 





    6-8年級ELA州考試(已取消2019 - 2020學年)

    6-8級NYSESLAT考試(只適用於英語學習者,取消了2019 - 2020學年)






    Publication Period: 
    Thursday, March 26, 2020
  • English

    Good Afternoon, This is the East-West School calling with important information.  Marking Period 1 report cards can be viewed on Pupil Path. If you have not signed up for Pupil Path yet, please reach out to Ms. Hu, our Parent Coordinator for access and help creating your account. Thank you and have a pleasant evening.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at


    Estimados padres y guardianes,

    Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión mientras hacemos la transición del aprendizaje remoto.

    Las Tarjetas de Reportes para el período número 1 están disponibles para ser vistas en “Pupil Path”. Por favor, visiten el “Pupil Path” para ver la Tarjeta de Reporte de su hijo. Les pedimos a los padres que, si todavía no han creado una cuenta en “Pupil Path”, por favor de enviar un correo electrónico a la Sra. Hu, para crear su cuenta de padre. Usted también puede ver este mensaje en nuestra página web,




    Publication Period: 
    Monday, March 23, 2020
