
  • The next PTA meeting will be held on Saturday, January 11th at 10 am.

    If you have not registered for PupilPath, please come to our Pupilpath Workshop at 11 am in Room 418 to learn how to use Pupilpath to track your child's attendance and academic progress daily. Please call or email Parent Coordinator, Ms. Hu to sign up. We look forward to seeing you there!


    晚上好,東西方學校打來告訴您兩個重要的訊息,下一個家長教師協會會議 將於星期六,1月11日上午10點舉行。如果您尚未登入Pupilpath,請於早上 11點到418教室學習如何使用Pupilpath來追蹤您孩子的出勤率及學習情況。 請電郵或打電話向家長協調員胡女士報名。 我們期待能見到您! 

    Publication Period: 
    Tuesday, January 7, 2020
  • In celebrating the Lunar New Year, our next parent workshop will be held on Monday, January 13th from 3:30-5:30 pm.

    • Please bring your child to learn Chinese Calligraphy and Paper Folding in room 434.
    • Seats are limited. Please RSVP to or call Ms. Hu at 718-353-0009 x4234.

    We look forward to seeing you there!


    為了慶祝農曆新年,請於星期一, 1月13日,下午
    3:30-5:30 帶您的孩子一起到434教室學習中國書法及折紙, 因名額有限,請電
    郵, 或打718-353-0009 分機4234, 找胡女士報名。我們期待能

    Publication Period: 
    Tuesday, January 7, 2020
  • The next Tea with the Principal will be held on Friday, January 17th at 9 am. You will also have an opportunity to visit your child’s classrooms between 8 am to 2 pm.


    星期五, 上午九點, 與校長一起喝茶。您也可以在上午八點至下午兩點之間到

    Publication Period: 
    Tuesday, January 7, 2020
  • All parents received a parent survey form during the winter break. Please kindly find time to fill out the form and have your child to return it to Ms. Hu, the Parent
    Coordinator, in room 423 as soon as possible.

    Your most updated information and suggestions are very important to us. Thank you! 

    長協調員胡女士。您的最新資料和建議對學校是很重要的。謝謝您! 晚安。

    Publication Period: 
    Tuesday, January 7, 2020
  • Good Evening, This is the East West School of International Studies calling with two important messages. School will be closed from December 23rd to January 1st for winter recess. All after school
    programs will be cancelled on Friday, December 20th. We hope you enjoy and have a healthy holiday season. All students will return to school on Thursday, January 2nd, 2020. If you have not registered for pupilpath, please come to our pupilpath workshop on Saturday, January 11th at 11 am. Thank you and have a pleasant evening.


    晚上好,這裡是東西方國際學習學校打來告訴您一個重要的訊息。 12月23

    Publication Period: 
    Tuesday, January 7, 2020
  • The next PTA meeting will be held on Saturday, December 14th at 10 am.

    On the Agenda:

    • Election for members of the “Parent Advisory Council”

    “Paint & Sip” event

    • Following the meeting
    • Space is limited: Please call or email Parent Coordinator, Ms. Hu to reserve your seat.

    In the meantime, You can still bring in coats for the “Coat Drive” as well as toys for the “Toy Drive”. 


    晚上好,東西方學校家長教師協會打來告訴您一個重要的訊息,下一個家長 教師協會會議將於星期六,12月14日上午10點舉行。此次會議中我們將選 出”家長諮詢委員會”成員以及享受繪畫和無酒精雞尾洒。座位有限。請向家 長協調員胡女土報名。同時您仍然可以捐贈冬季大衣及玩具。

    Publication Period: 
    Wednesday, December 11, 2019
  • You're Invited

    You’re invited to
    Friday/Tea with the Principal December 13th, 2019

    Tea with the Principal will be held at 9 am in Room 423
    Classroom Visits 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

    Dear East-West Family,

    You are invited to visit East-West and have tea with the principal. This will be an opportunity to speak to Mr. Cromer in person, communicate with other school staff, and hear about all the exciting things happening at our school. You will also have an opportunity to visit your child’s classrooms.

    Please RSVP to Ms. Hu at or 718-353-0009 ext. 4234. We are looking forward to seeing you!



    2019 年 12 月 13 日

    與校長喝茶:上午 9:00 423 室
    看孩子上課: 上午 8:00 – 下午 2:00


    校長邀請您一起喝早茶。這將是一個很好的機會與校長 Cromer 先生談話 及與其他學校工作人員交流並知道一些在學校發生的令人興奮的事。您也有 機會到教室看您的孩子上課。請打 718-353-0009 分機 4234 或發電子郵件 與胡小姐預約。我們非常期待能見到您!



    Publication Period: 
    Tuesday, December 3, 2019
  • We value our students’ eye care and are offering eyeglasses and eye exams on December 11th. Please fill out the form that was sent home with your student and return to Ms. Hu, our Parent Coordinator in room 423 by Friday, November 22, 2019 to make sure your child gets serviced.




    Publication Period: 
    Wednesday, November 20, 2019
  • The East-West School’s Parent-Teacher Conference is scheduled for Thursday, November 21st from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm and on Friday, November 22nd from 12:15 pm to 2:15 pm.

    On Thursday, November 21st during parent-teacher conferences, Mr. Cromer will also be hosting a mandatory 8th grade meeting regarding high school applications to East-West. You must attend one of two sessions at either 5 pm or 6 pm in room 320. Uniform Company “Ideal” will be at school on Thursday only.

    On Friday, November 22nd students will have early dismissal at 11:14 am, and there will be no after-school programs.


    東西方學校” 的強制性解說會,您必須參加下午五點或六點其中一個在320

    Publication Period: 
    Wednesday, November 20, 2019
  • November 16th (after the PTA meeting) is the 1st Principal Awards Ceremony of the 2019-2020 school year. Parents will be contacted this week if their child is selected.

    We encourage all parents to attend the PTA meeting with their children and celebrate this special event.


    Publication Period: 
    Tuesday, November 12, 2019
