The next PTA meeting will be held on Saturday, January 11th at 10 am.
If you have not registered for PupilPath, please come to our Pupilpath Workshop at 11 am in Room 418 to learn how to use Pupilpath to track your child's attendance and academic progress daily. Please call or email Parent Coordinator, Ms. Hu to sign up. We look forward to seeing you there!
晚上好,東西方學校打來告訴您兩個重要的訊息,下一個家長教師協會會議 將於星期六,1月11日上午10點舉行。如果您尚未登入Pupilpath,請於早上 11點到418教室學習如何使用Pupilpath來追蹤您孩子的出勤率及學習情況。 請電郵或打電話向家長協調員胡女士報名。 我們期待能見到您!