
  • East-West School of International Studies

    Picture Day for 6 to 11 graders

    12th graders who were absent and have not taken their senior photo, please see Ms. Park in room 423 ASAP.

    Tuesday January 7th, 2014 and Wednesday January 8, 2014

    Please click on the pdf link below and complete your order form.

    Picture Day Order Form and Information

    Please be informed that photos taken on Picture Day will be included in our school yearbook.

    If you have any questions, please contact the main office at 718.353.0009

  • East-West students learning computer science with TEALS East-West students learning computer science with TEALS

    East-West is fortunate to be one of 70 schools across the country with a TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools) program.  TEALS was developed by Kevin Wang, a Harvard educated Microsoft Engineer who noticed that while there was a great need for computer science education in our high schools, there were not enough teachers able to teach these courses.

    He envisioned a partnership between industry professionals and teachers which would lead schools being able to offer Introduction to Computer Science courses leading to Advanced Placement - Java classes.


    When Mr. Wang came to New York City to introduce this program last year, Mr. Sherman saw the opportunity to add another facet to the courses that East-West students may take.  He applied to be part of this program, and we are one of four New York City schools to be accepted.  We have four industry professionals, Paul Roales, Chris Outram, Michael Thaler and Demetrius Powers, who use a combination of in person and distance education techniques, working with our teacher, Melanie Katz.  The students are learning how to program in a graphical computer language, Build Your Own Blocks, following the Berkeley College introductory computer science curriculum.  Next year, we hope to offer AP Java.

    IMG_9428 Courtesy of Cynthia Yip
    Courtesy of Maple Chen Courtesy of Maple Chen
    Courtesy of Andrew Wu Courtesy of Andrew Wu

    There are several benefits to this program.  First, it's helping to prepare our students to become more college-ready with both technology and their critical thinking skills.  It also provides them with opportunities to differentiate their academics from their peers at other schools when applying to college.  To date, they have written computer games similar to Mario and Space Invaders, so they are having a great time as they learn.  Also, as a TEALS school, we enjoy great support from Microsoft, who was kind enough to provide custom T-shirts (designed by our student Haruna Yabuki) for our class and teachers.

    IMG_9433 Designed by Haruna Yabuki
    Designed by Haruna Yabuki Designed by Haruna Yabuki

    For more information about TEALS, please visit

  • Congratulations to our High School Students - 1st Marking period Congratulations to our High School Students - 1st Marking period
    Congratulations to our Middle School Students - 1st Marking Period Congratulations to our Middle School Students - 1st Marking Period

    Students must maintain the following grades in ALL their classes in order to qualify to be on the Honor Roll:

    • 85 - 89 - Bronze Recipient
    • 90 - 94 - Silver Recipient
    • 95 - 100 - Gold Recipient

    The 2nd marking period ends on Friday, December 13, 2013

    Click here to view the school's honor roll website and list of recipients.

  • Donald Henton, candidate for State Committee for the 22nd Assembly District in Queens visited the students at East-West during Morning Muster.

    IMG_8482 Mr. Sherman with Mr. Henton after addressing our students at Muster

    Born in Louisiana, both his parents died by the time he was ten years old. He moved to New York City when he was eleven years old to live with his relatives.  He was a New York City bus driver for 37 years, and has worked with Comptroller John Liu for 16 years, behind the scenes to support John Liu when he was running for City Council.  He was drafted two times and did two tours of duty in the United States Armed Forces. He is President of the Flushing Democratic Association, and has been an active member of his community since he moved to Flushing in 1968. He credits his routine of going to bed at 10:30 pm and rising at 3:30 am, commuting to John Liu’s office in Manhattan at 5:30 am, and not taking any medication, or a flu shot for his sharp wit and youthful energy.

    Surrounded by Mandarin speakers at a community meeting, Mr. Henton reached out to then Councilman John Liu to sponsor Mandarin classes in his community where 78 percent of his neighbors where black or Hispanic.

    Mr. Henton encouraged our students to be more active in their community and get involved in policy making.  As the President of the Flushing Democratic Association, and former Democratic state committeeman, Mr. Henton has played key roles in state government policy decisions, as well as voting which statewide candidate to support.

  • Our East-West Social Studies Teacher, Sam Oppenheim, says it best...

    Halloween2013-EWSIS-7 "I am Fidel Castro and we have come to liberate Cuba."

    "One of the benefits of a small school where we know everyone and have made school safety and Rachel's Challenge important pillars of our community" allows our students to participate in the festivities of Halloween, "exploring and dressing up in costumes, while still being supported, educated, and most importantly, safe!"


    Flash mob performs Thriller at East-West Flash mob performs Thriller at East-West
    IMG_8725 Fly me to the moon
    Party in the E.W.S.I.S Party in the E.W.S.I.S
    Middle School Assistant Principal, Ms. Bradsher and High School Assistant Principal, Mr. Chang Middle School Assistant Principal, Ms. Bradsher and High School Assistant Principal, Mr. Chang



    Pumpkin carving with Mr. DeMeo's students Pumpkin carving with Mr. DeMeo's students
    Halloween2013-EWSIS-3 "Under the sea, nobody beat us, fry us and eat us in fricassee"
    NAACP Movie Night at East-West
    Fright Night Fright Night
    IMG_8787 No Refund - Watch At Your Own Risk

    Photo courtesy of Sam Oppenheim
