
  • English

    Hello.   This is t he East-West School of International Studies calling to remind you that our next PTA meeting will be held Saturday April 2, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.  Please join us for a Taste of South Asia Breakfast Buffet and catch up on everything that is happening in the School.  Immediately following the meeting, Guidance Counselor Mrs. Park will give a workshop for parents of students in lower grades (not seniors) on how they can plan ahead for college expenses that are still several years away.  Please join us for this fun and informative meeting."  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at   Thank you and have a pleasant evening.

    Hola esta es, la escuela, East West, llamando para, recordarles, de nuestra reunion, de padres y maestros, este sabado ,2 de Abril, a las 10 de la manana. Por favor acompanenos, para disfrutar, de un desayuno, con sabor del Sur de Asia y para enterarse, de lo que esta pasando, en la escuela. Despues de la reunion, tendremos un, taller para padres,  de alumnos, de  grados inferiores, de como planear, con anticipacion, para los gastos, de la Universidad, de su hijo/a, por favor acompane, a la Sra Park, para esta divertida e informativa reunion.  Si usted, perdio parte, de este mensaje, por favor visite, nuestra pagina, en el internet,  Gracias y buenas noches.

    您好! 這裹是東西方國際學習學校打來提醒您,下次家長教師會將在星期六, 二零一一年, 四月二日 早上十點舉行。歡迎您來品嚐我們為您準備的南亞自助早餐,並了解學校的近況。緊接著家長教師會,將有一個由 Mrs. Park主持,教低年級學生家長,如何未雨綢繆的準備幾年後大學費用的講習班。請來參加這個有趣及有教育價值的會議。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是。謝謝您並祝您有個愉快的夜晚。
  •  Dear East-West Parents and Guardians,


    Our next PTA meeting will be held on Saturday April 2, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.  Please join us for a Taste of South Asia Breakfast Buffet and catch up on everything that is happening in the School.  We will hear a report from our elected Student Council leaders about plans that the Senior Class is making, as well as other topics.  A representative from White Coffee, which has offered to provide coffee to the school for our PTA meetings, will introduce us to that company. 

    After attending to the usual business portion of the meeting, we will get the latest news and information specific to East-West from the PTA and Principal, Mr. Sherman, as well as our Assistant Principals, Ms. Oh and Ms. Panday.  And we do our best to allow plenty of time for a question and answer period so that the concerns of the parents can be addressed by the school administration.  As always, Spanish and Chinese translators will be present to help out. 

    Immediately following the PTA meeting (approximately 11:15), Mrs. Park will give a workshop about how parents of students in lower grades (not seniors) can plan ahead for college.  We hope many parents can stay for this informative presentation.

    Please do join us on April 2 to get to know better our teachers, administrators, and other parents, and to help make the most of your child’s education.




    PTA Executive Board 

    East-West School of International Studies

  • School Survey Message

    March 24, 2011


    “Hello, this is the East-West School of International Studies calling to inform you that your parent survey has been mailed to you.     This survey is extremely important.  It will help us to better serve you and your child.  Once you receive it, please fill it out and send it back in the self-addressed stamped envelope.      If you have any trouble filling out this survey, please do not hesitate to call Ms. Esposito at 718-353-0009.   If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at   Thank you and have a pleasant evening.


    Hola, esta es la escuela, East West, llamando para, informarles que la, encuesta para padres, ha sido enviada,por correo para usted. La encuesta es, estremadamente, importante. nos ayudara, a servirles mejor ,a Usted y a su hijo e hija. cuando lo reciba por favor, llene el formulario, y regreselo inmediatamente, en el sobre prepagado. si usteded tiene, dificultad para llenarlo, por favor no dude, en llamar a la SRA. Esposito al 718-353-0009. si usted perdio, parte de este, mensaje, por favor visite nuestra, pagina en el internet,www, Gracias y que tengan buenas noches


    您好這裹是東西方國際學習學校打來通知您, 我們已將紐約市學校調查表寄給您。這個調查表是非常重要的.它能幫助我們為您及您的孩子提供更好的服務。當您收到此表後,請填好並放入我們為您準備的信封內,然後寄回學校。如果您有任何問題填寫此調查表,請不要猶豫打718-353-0009 Ms. Esposito。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是。謝謝您,並祝您有個愉快的夜晚

  • Chinese, Korean, Bengali, and Urdu translations are available for download below.


    Dear Parents/Guardians:

    On March 26, 2011, we will begin our ELA Saturday Test Prep Academy for Middle School students. This program is designed to prepare your child for the 2011 New York State English Language Arts Exam. All students in grades 6-8 are invited and encouraged to participate.

    All students will enter and leave the building through the front doors. The program will begin at 8:45 A.M and will finish at 11:00 A.M. In addition to the Saturday program, we will have one Wednesday afternoon session.

    The dates are as follows:

    Saturday, March 26

    Saturday, April 2

    Saturday, April 9

    Wednesday, April 13 (2:45 P.M. - 4:45 P.M.)

    Saturday, April 30

    Please download and sign the attached permission slip no later than March 23, 2011 and return it to Ms. Braverman in room 424.



    Mala Panday

    Assistant Principal, I.A.

    East-West School of International Studies



    Hello, this is the East-West School of International Studies, calling to remind you that, Parent Teacher Conferences, will take place, Thursday evening, March 17th  from 5:30 PM, until 8:00 PM. and on Friday afternoon, March 18th from 12:00 noon until 2:15 PM.  Report cards will be distributed during the conferences.  Please note that Friday, March 18  is a half day of school.   All students will be dismissed, at 11:00  a. m.     We encourage you, to bring your child to the conferences to discuss your child’s progress at school.    You will also have an opportunity to fill out the school survey during this time.    We look forward to meeting with you.    If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at w, w, w, dot, e, w, s, i, s, dot, o, r, g,. Thank you and have a pleasant evening.



    Hola, esta es la escuela, East West, llamando , para recordarles que, La reunion de padres, y maestros, sera mañana Jueves 17, de Marzo, des de las 5:30, de la tarde, hasta las 8:00, de la noche, y el Viernes 18, de Marzo las 12:00, del medio dia, hasta las 2:15, de la tarde. El viernes 18, de Marzo,  los estudiantes  tendran, medio dia de clase.  Todos los estudiantes, saldran a las 11, de la mañana. Por favor aproveche, esta oportunidad para, enterarse de los progresos, de sus hijos.  Le pedimos que traiga, a su hijo/hija a la reunion.   Esperamos verles, el Jueves en la noche, o el Viernes en la tarde.  Tu tienes la oportunidad a rellanar la encuesta de la escuela.   Si usted perdio parte de este mensaje, visite nuestra pagina, en el internet, w, w, w, punto, e, w, s, i, s, punto, o, r, g,. Gracias, y buenas noches.





    您好! 這裹是東西方國際學習學校打來提醒您春季家長教師懇談會將於三月十七日(星期四)晚上五點三十分到八點以及三月十八日(星期五)下午十二點到二點十五分舉行。您將會拿到孩子的成績報告單。星期五(三月十八日)學生只上半天課,所有學生放學時間是早上十一點。我們鼓勵您帶您的孩子一起來學校與老師討論他(她)們的學習進度。您也可利用此機會填寫紐約市學校調查表。我們非常希望能見到您。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校的網址是。謝謝您,並祝您有個愉快的夜晚。


  • We are looking for students to join a new East-West Dragon Boat team!

    Dragon boat racing is a water sport that originated in China. Learn more about its history here.

    - Any students who are 15 by January 2011 are eligible.

    - Practice will start at the beginning of June.

    - On-site boat practice will occur once a week, Saturday or Sunday, for about an hour.

    Students will train to compete in the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival this August at Flushing Meadows Park.

    If you are interested, contact Mr. Shibata at .

  • March PTA 3/11


    Hello, "This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important reminder.  This Saturday, March 5, at 10:00 we will be holding our monthly PTA meeting.  Please join us for a "Salute to Show Biz" breakfast buffet and learn about the upcoming school play and how our students can get $5 tickets to performing arts events around the city.  We will also be taking an important vote on whether Middle School should be dismissed during Regents Testing in June.  A workshop on tracking student progress through the Internet will follow immediately after the meeting. Don't miss this fun and informative gathering."  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at    Thank you and have a pleasant evening.



    Hola, esta es la escuela, East West, llamando para recordarles, que este Sabado, 5 de Marzo a las 10 de la manana, sera nuestra reunion mensual, de padres y maestros, tendremos un desayuno especial,informacion sobre un evento especial en la  escuela, tambien como los estudiantes ,pueden obtener descuentos en las entradas,  para los eventos artisticos en la ciudad, necesitamos sus votos, para decidir si nuestros estudiantes, del sexto al Octavo deberian o no asistir a clases, durante los examenes en Junio, que los estudiantes, de  clase secundaria tendran. es por motivos de espacio, que la escuela necesita, para estos examenes. Despues de la reunion tendremos ,un taller para padres, sobre como informarce sobre el progreso de los estudiantes, atravez del internet.

    No se pierda esta importante y divertida reunion. si usted perdio parte, de este  mensaje, por favor visite nuestra pagina, en el internet  Gracias y que tengan buenas noches



    您好! 這裹是東西方國際學習學校打來提醒您,別忘了這個星期六(三月五日)早上十點的家長教師會。請來參加並享用我們為您準備的自助早餐並了解即將到來的學校演出,以及如何讓我們的學生能在紐約市區買到五元美金表演藝術秀的門票。我們也將投票表決六月份紐約州的考試期間,初中部學生是否不需要到校上課?會後並有一個教您如何上網追蹤學生學習進展的講習班。請不要錯過這個有趣及有益的活動。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校的網址是。謝謝您! 並祝您有個愉快的夜晚。
