Dear East-West Parent and Guardians,
Our next PTA meeting will be held Saturday, March 5, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Please join us for a Salute to Show Biz breakfast buffet and a performance focused program. Our drama teacher, Ms. Hartong, will tell us about the upcoming School Play and a Special Guest from the High 5 Tickets to the Arts organization will tell parents how their kids can get $5 tickets to wonderful events all around New York City. We will also see a slide show about a Poetry Slam that our students recently held. It’s great to see East West students developing their talents in so many ways!
We also have some important business to attend to at this meeting. A vote will be taken on whether or not to permit Middle School Dismissal during the Regents Testing in June. Mr. Sherman mailed a letter to each East West family letting them know about this vote. We will also get the latest news and information specific to East-West from the PTA and Principal Mr. Sherman, as well as our Assistant Principals, Ms.Oh and Ms. Panday. And we do our best to allow plenty of time for a question and answer period so that the concerns of the parents can be addressed by the school administration. As always, Spanish and Chinese translators will be present to help out.
Immediately following the PTA meeting (approximately 11:20) Ms. Panday and Ms. Esposito will have a workshop about how parents can use the internet to track their child’s progress in school. We hope many parents can stay for this informative presentation.
Please do join us on March 5 to get to know our teachers, administrators, and other parents better, and to help make the most of your child’s education.
PTA Executive Board
East-West School of International Studies