
  • We will be holding Acuity Predictive Assessments for middle school students on two dates. Please mark them on your calendar.

    January 11th and January 25th

    There will be no 8th period tutoring (2:08 - 2:45) on both days.

    For more information on this assessment, please visit the Acuity website:

  • English

    Hello, This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important message.  Due to Regents testing, there are no extended day and after-school classes on January 11, January 25, January 26, January 27, January 28, and January 31. All middle school students will be dismissed at 2:05pm on January 11, January 25, January 26, January 27, and January 31. All middle school students will be dismissed at 2:16pm on Friday, January 28.  Please mark your calendar with these important dates.   If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at   Thank you and have a pleasant evening.



    Hola, esta es la escuela, East West, llamando , para recordarles.  Debido a las pruebas Regentes, no hay horario extendido ni clases después de la escuela el 11 de enero, 25 de enero, 26 de enero, 27 de enero, 28 de enero y 31 de enero. Todos los estudiantes de secundaria saldrán a la 2:05 el 11 de enero, 25 de enero, 26 de enero, 27 de enero y el 31 de enero. Todos los estudiantes de secundaria serán despedidos a las 2:16 pm el viernes, 28 de enero. Por favor marque su calendario con las fechas importantes.  Si usted ha perdido cualquier parte de esete mensaje, por favor visite nuestro sitio web en



    您好! 這裹是東西方國際學習學校打來通知您, 由於高中生州的考試, 所有初中生在一月十一日, 一月二十五日, 一月二十六日, 一月二十七日, 及一月三十一日的放學時間是下午二點五分. 一月二十八日(星期五), 放學的時間是下午二點十六分. 如果您錯過此消息的任何部分, 請查閱學校網站, 學校網址是 謝謝您並祝您有個愉快的夜晚.

  • English

    “Hello, this is the East-West School of International Studies calling to remind you that our January PTA meeting will be held this Saturday, January 8th at 10:00 a.m.   We will open our meeting with a breakfast buffet to celebrate the Filipino New Year.   On the agenda this month will be information regarding Financial Aid and Ms. Chang will have information regarding the school’s award from Hanban.    We hope to see you January 8th.   If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at   Thank you and have a pleasant evening.



    Esta es la escuela East West, llamando para, invitarles cordialmente, a la primera reunion, del ano 2011, de Padres y Maestros, este sabado 8 de Enero, a las 10 de la manana. Empezaremos con un, festivo desayuno, al estilo Filipino, celebrando el ano nuevo. el programa incluye, informacion de  parte, de nuestra profesora , la sra. Chang, y nuestro invitado, de la  Sociedad Asiatica, para informarnos, del programa, que nuestra escuela, fue seleccionada, para participar. Tambien nuestra consejera, la Sra Park ,nos dara informacion, acerca de como, llenar la aplicacion, para recibir la ayuda financiera, para la Universidad.

    Esperamos verlos, este sabado a las 10 de la manana.  visite nuestra pagina, en el internet,

    Gracias y que tengan, buenas noches.



    您好! 這裹是東西方國際學習學校打來提醒您並竭誠邀請您來參加這個星期六, 一月八日, 早上十點, 二零一一年第一次的家長教師會.我們將會有菲律賓式新年早餐供您享用. 中文教師張老師與亞洲協會專員會在會中講解漢辦方案. 學校高中部輔導老師Mrs. Park 也會在會中講解如何申請大學補助金.我們非常期待在星期六早上十點見到您. 如果您錯過此消息的任何部分, 請查閱學校網站, 學校網址是 謝謝您! 晚安.

  • English

    This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important message.
    Regents Exams for high school students will take place on January 11, January 25,
    January 26, January 27, and January 28. If your child is taking a Regents exam, he or
    she will receive an exam invitation at school and the parent will receive a letter at home.
    If your child is not taking any of the Regents exams, he or she does not have school on
    January 11, January 25, January 26, January 27, and January 28.
    There is also no school for ALL high school students on January 31. It is a Professional
    Development Day for Teachers.

    If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at Thank you and have a pleasant evening.


    Este es el East West Escuela de Estudios Internacionales de la llamada con un
    mensaje importante. Exámenes de Regentes para estudiantes de secundaria se llevará
    a cabo el 11 de enero, 25 de enero, 26 de enero, 27 de enero, y 28 de enero. Si su
    niño está tomando un examen de Regentes, él o ella recibirá una invitación examen
    en la escuela y los padres recibirán una carta en casa. Si su hijo no está tomando
    alguno de los exámenes Regentes, él o ella no tiene la escuela el 11 de enero, 25 de
    enero, 26 de enero, 27 de enero y 28 de enero. Tampoco hay escuela para TODOS los
    estudiantes de secundaria el 31 de enero. Se trata de un Día de Desarrollo Profesional
    para Maestros. Si usted ha perdido cualquier parte de este mensaje, por favor visite
    nuestro sitio web en Gracias y que tenga una agradable velada.


    高中州考試(Regents Exams)將於一月十一日, 二十五日, 二十六日, 二十七日, 二十八日
    舉行. 如果您的孩子需要參加這個考試, 學校將會通知您的孩子, 您也會收到學校的通知信.
    如果您的孩子不需要參加這個考試, 他(她)們就不需要到學校上課.
    一月三十一日是教師研習會, 所有高中生停課一天.

  • Regents Exams for high school students will take place on January 11, January 25, January 26, January 27, and January 28. If your child is taking a Regents exam, he or she will receive an exam invitation at school and the parent will receive a letter at home.

    If your child is not taking any of the Regents exams, he or she does not have school on January 11, January 25, January 26, January 27, and January 28.

    There is also no school for ALL high school students on January 31. It is a Professional Development Day for Teachers.

  • Due to Regents testing, there are no extended day and after-school classes on January 11, January 25, January 26, January 27, January 28, and January 31. All middle school students will be dismissed at 2:05pm on January 11, January 25, January 26, January 27, and January 31. All middle school students will be dismissed at 2:16pm on Friday, January 28.

  • The Child Center of New York (CCNY) is running a free ESL program, including classes and conversation practice, starting next year.

    The program will be held at the Parsons Beacon Community Center at 158-40 76th Road, Flushing, NY 11366.

    Dates: Saturdays, March 12, 2011 to May 21, 2011

    Time: 11 AM - 1 PM

    Please call (718) 820-0760 now to register!

  • Dear East-West Parents and Guardians,

    The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) holds regular monthly meetings on the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m.  You are warmly invited and strongly encouraged to attend our next monthly meeting, to be held on Saturday, January 8th.  

    Our meeting will open with a Breakfast Buffet celebrating the Filipino New Year's tradition. You don't know what that is? Well, please come to find out and hear a bit about the many waves of immigration to the Philippines -- which include Chinese, Spanish, and Muslim settlers. We expect this will be a festive and informative experience for all.

    The business portion of the meeting is designed to give parents tools and information they can use to help their children get the most from their education. We will hear from Chinese teacher Ms. Chang about the school's award from Hanban-Asia Society, which will provide us with exchange opportunities with China and $10,000 a year to improve our Chinese language program. Our high school guidance counselor, Mrs. Park, will provide information about the financial aid process for college. The meeting will go on to cover news and information specific to East-West from the PTA, Principal Mr. Sherman, and Assistant Principals Ms. Oh and Ms. Panday. And finally, we will allow plenty of time for a question and answer period so that concerns of the parents can be addressed by the administration. The meeting will end at approximately 11:20 PM.

    As always, we will have translation services for Spanish and Chinese speaking parents. 

    We hope you can join us on Saturday, January 8th.



    PTA Executive Board

    East-West School of International Studies
