
  • Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

    East-West School of International Studies

    46-21 Colden Street, 4th floor

    Flushing, New York 11355

    (718) 353-0009

    October 24, 2014

    Dear East-West Parents and Guardians,

    The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) will hold its next meeting on Saturday, November 1st at 10:00 A.M. Please come and join the East-West School community for this important meeting.

    Our meeting will begin with a light, complimentary breakfast. The business portion of the meeting is intended to give parents tools and information they can use to help their children get the most from their education. We will cover news and information specific to East-West from the PTA and the school administrators. We will also be conducting our annual membership drive. If you are parents of newly enrolled students, you will find our meetings to be an essential means for gathering information concerning your new school and meeting parents who can share their experiences with you.

    At our first PTA meeting, we announced that we had an opening for an SLT parent member, and at our October PTA meeting, two parents (Wendy Giron and Anitra Michelle) graciously nominated themselves for the positions as another vacancy was also announced at that meeting.  At this upcoming meeting, we will conduct our School Leadership Team Parent Member Election to officially elect the parents for the open positions. If you are interested in running for the SLT parent member position or if you are interested in running for PTA Vice-President which is still a vacant position, please let us know, and we will add your name to the ballot.  You must attend the meeting to be elected for either position.

    Also, there will be a brief presentation from a representative from Apple Bank regarding "How to Open Student Bank Accounts."  She will also be available to answer other banking related questions as well.

    And finally, we always allow plenty of time for a question and answer period so that the concerns of the parents can be addressed by the school administration.

    We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, November 1, 2014.


    EWSIS PTA Executive Board


    Carol Samano – Co-President                                                   Sharlene Tillett – Co-President

  • English

    Hello. This is the East-West School of International Studies calling to remind you that our next PTA meeting will be held on this Saturday morning, November 1 at 10:00 AM. All parents and guardians are cordially invited to attend. The business portion of the meeting will offer updated news for parents.  Specifically, we will vote on School Leadership Team Parent Membership. It will also include reports from our school administrators and other staff members. We will have a brief presentation from Apple Bank on How to Open Student Bank Accounts. And as always, we will provide plenty of time for a question and answer period. If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at Thank you and have a pleasant evening.


    Hola. Este es la escuela East-West llamando con un  recuerdo que nuestra próxima reunión de PTA se celebrará este sábado por la mañana, 1 de Noviembre a 10:00.  Todos los padres y tutores están cordialmente invitados a asistir. La empresa parte de la reunión se ofrecerá noticias actualizadas para los padres. También se incluirán los informes de los administradores de la escuela y otros miembros del personal. Tendremos una breve presentación de Apple Banco sobre cómo abrir cuentas bancarias para un Estudiante. Y, como siempre, nos proporcionará un montón de tiempo para un periodo de preguntas y respuestas. Si usted ha perdido cualquier parte de este mensaje, por favor, visite nuestro sitio web en Muchas gracias y que tenga una agradable velada.


    您好! 東西方國際學習學校提醒您下個家長教師協會會議是在這個星期六,十一月一日,早上十點。我們竭誠歡迎所有家長及監護人參加。校務部分將提供最新消息給家長。特別的是,我們將選舉學校領導團隊成員。會議內容也將包括管理人員及其他工作人員的報告。我們也將有蘋果銀行的業務代表教您如何開立學生帳户。如往常一樣,您將有足夠的時間提問。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是 謝謝您! 晚安

  • Seniors will be taking their graduation photos this Tuesday, October 28 and Friday, October 31 in the small gym and auditorium, respectively.  Seniors were scheduled appointment times to take their photos.  It should not take longer than 15 minutes unless there is a back up.

    If students have questions of their appointment times or have a conflict with their scheduled appointment, please reach out to the HS guidance counselor, Mrs. Park in room 429A, to work it out.

  • Dear Class of 2015,

    East-West School of International Studies Class of 2015 is preparing for a fantastic senior year.  I hope that you all will enjoy the many exciting activities and events that we are planning for you.  In order to begin your quest to graduation we are requesting your senior dues; which will go directly to the class of 2015 treasury.  Your senior dues are $130.00, and they are mandatory.  These dues will pay for YOUR Cap, Gown, Graduation Fees, and Yearbook.

    ****The only way to have a cap and gown at graduation is to pay your senior dues.  Cap and gowns will be purchased through East-West School of International Studies’ senior dues ONLY****
    Please be aware that you must pay your class dues before you are able to attend the Prom and/or Senior Trip.  Seniors must also pay their dues if graduating in summer school instead of June.  Please pay your dues early to ensure you will have a cap and gown in time for graduation.  Your guidance counselor, Ms. Park is the ONLY person who can accept your senior dues. If you are paying with a check, please make them payable to East-West School of International Studies. There will be a fee added on if the check bounces.

    Senior Prom and Senior Trip will be additional costs for those who wish to attend and more information will be forth coming.

    Please contact Ms. Park at for more information regarding senior class dues or yearbook information.  The total payment is due no later than Friday, October 31, 2014.

    The East-West Class of 2015 has been a significant piece to our program, and we would like you to be a part of the thrilling senior experience.


    Thank you,


    Ms. Jeannie Park

    Guidance Counselor

  • English

    Hello. This is the East-West School of International Studies calling to remind you that our next PTA meeting will be held on this Saturday morning, October 11 at 10:00 AM. All parents and guardians are cordially invited to attend. The business portion of the meeting will offer updated news for parents.  Specifically, we will open the floor for nominations for School Leadership Team Parent Membership. It will also include reports from our school administrators and other staff members. Mr. Sherman will be hosting our Annual Title 1 parent meeting in conjunction with this PTA meeting. And as always, we will provide plenty of time for a question and answer period. If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at Thank you and have a pleasant evening.


    Hola. Este es la escuela East-West llamando con un recuerdo que nuestra próxima reunión de PTA se celebrará el sábado, 11 de Octubre a las 10:00 de la mañana.  Todos los padres y tutores están cordialmente invitados a asistir. La empresa parte de la reunión se ofrecerá noticias actualizadas para los padres. En concreto, vamos a abrir la palabra a los candidatos propuestos para Padres Escuela Equipo de Liderazgo. También se incluirán los informes de los administradores de la escuela y otros miembros del personal. El Sr. Sherman también vas hablar de nuestro Título 1 en esta reunión. Y, como siempre, nos proporcionará tiempo para un periodo de preguntas y respuestas. Si usted ha perdido cualquier parte de este mensaje, por favor, visite nuestro sitio web en Muchas gracias y que tenga una agradable velada.


    您好! 這裏是東西方國際學習學校提醒您,下一個教師家長協會會議是在這個星期六,十月十一日,早上十點。我們竭誠的歡迎所有的家長及監護人參加。校務部分我們將提供最新消息給家長。特別的是我們將學校領導團隊成員的提名機會給家長。會議內容部分也將包括學校主管及其他工作人員的報告。校長也將在會中向家長說明Title 1。如往常一樣,我們也將提供足夠的時間給您提問及回答。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是 謝謝您! 晚安。


  • Dear 8th grade Parents, the anxiously awaited High School Applications have finally been released.  I distributed them to your children yesterday.  Please sit with your child and discuss his/her options.  There are hundreds of schools to choose from and your child will need help narrowing down the choices.  Your child needs your help and guidance with this process.  A bad choice on the application could mean a very long appeal process at the end of the academic year.
    Tips for making your choices:
    • If your child tells you that he/she wants to go to the school because their friends are going there be wary.  As adults, we know that someone who may be a friend now in 8th grade will probably not be a friend in 9th grade and your child will feel stranded and resentful of their choice.
    • Check travel distance and time when picking a school.  If your child is travelling an hour and a half each way to school, that's a total of three hours a day that they are not studying.  If they get involved in after school activities, that means they are arriving home with little motivation to study or do homework because they are tired.
    • Check graduation rates for the schools.  Only schools with high graduation rates are preparing your children for college. 
    • "All that glitters isn't gold." Many schools have attractive names which lead us to believe they will prepare your children for a successful career right after graduation.  As we know, going to college is the only way to ensure post secondary success or ability to grow in a profession.  Preparation for college is key in choosing a school.
    • Only choose schools that you are interested in attending.  Do not write in schools just to fill up the 12 spaces.  Your child may wind up being selected by a school he/she did not want to go to and it will be a difficult appeals process into July or August, before you will know the outcome.  A Summer filled with uncertainty is not how you want to spend your Summer.
    For those students taking the Specialized High School test, the tickets will soon be available at which point your child will select among the 8 Specialized Schools. 
    I hope this is helpful.  Please feel free to contact me for any clarifications.  As to recommendations, I can only recommend one school and that is East-West.
  • Hodori After - School Program



    Good Evening, this is the East West School of International Studies call with some great news. We are offering you a FREE afterschool program for all students Monday through Friday right her at East West. We offer homework help, educational activities, and a choice between Taekwondo, Korean drumming, Art, break dancing, fencing, and theater. 3 field trips are also included all for FREE. Call 917-635-2333 for details, or pick up an application at the school to enroll your student immediately. Thank you and have a pleasant evening. If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at



    Buenas tardes, este es la escuela East-West llamando con buenas noticias. Nosotros le ofrecemos un programa después del horario escolar GRATIS para todos los estudiantes Lunes a Viernes después de escuela. Ofrecemos ayuda con las tareas, actividades educativas, y la posibilidad de elegir entre el Taekwondo, tambores coreanos, el arte, break dance, esgrima, y el teatro. 3 Viajes de campo también se incluyen de forma gratuita. Llame 917-635-2333 para más detalles, o recoger una solicitud en la escuela a inscribir a su estudiante inmediatamente. Muchas gracias y que tenga una agradable velada. Si usted ha perdido cualquier parte de este mensaje, por favor, visite nuestro sitio web en



    您好! 東西方國際學習學校有個好消息告訴您。學校提供星期一到星期五,初中學生免費課外活動。我們提供作業上的幫助,教育性的活動以及在跆拳道,韓國擊鼓,藝術,霹靂舞,擊劍,戲劇中任選一種。三個免費實地考察也包括在其中。詳情請電917-635-2333,或者馬上到校為您的孩子報名。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是 謝謝您! 晚安

  • Lunch Forms 2014 – 2015

    September 24, 2014


    Good Evening, This is the East West School of International Studies calling with a very important request. Last week your child came home with a school lunch form.  It is very important that each student fill out the form and return it to the school. These forms help determine how much funding our school will receive.  You can fill out a paper form or for your convenience you can visit the School Foods website at  You can also find the link on the East West website.  Thank you and have a pleasant evening.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at


    Buenas tardes, este es la escuela East-West llamando  con un muy importante petición. La semana pasada su hijo llegó a casa con una forma de almuerzo en la escuela. Es muy importante que cada estudiante complete el formulario y devolverlo a la escuela. Estas formas ayudan a determinar cuánto financiamiento nuestra escuela va a recibir. Usted puede llenar un formulario en papel o para su comodidad, puede visitar la página web de Alimentos Escuela n, y, c, punto, aplicar para el almuerzo, punto, c, o, m. También puede encontrar el enlace en el sitio web de la escuela. Muchas gracias y que tenga una agradable velada. Si usted ha perdido cualquier parte de este mensaje, por favor, visite nuestro sitio web en


