
  • Dear East-West Parents, Guardians, and Staff,
    You are cordially invited to our next and last PTA meeting of the school year which will be held on this coming Saturday, June 7, 2014 at 10:00 AM.  We will start with a delicious breakfast buffet and then proceed to the business portion of the meeting.
    The business portion of the meeting will offer information useful to parents from the PTA. We will be conducting our Annual PTA Executive Board & School Leadership Team Elections. So, please come and let your voice be heard!  If you are interested in getting involved or would like more information, please contact us at .

    In addition, there will be representatives from the "Bike to School" program to encourage students to be more active and to consider riding their bicycles to school. They will be offering free vouchers for bike helmets to the first 50 attendees attending the meeting, and they will be available to perform minor maintenance on your child's bicycle on Saturday if necessary.  So if your child's bicycle is in need of repair, bring it with you to our PTA meeting to get it checked.
    The meeting will also include reports from our Principal, Mr. Sherman and our Assistant Principals, Ms. Bradsher and Mr. Chang.
    And finally, we always allow plenty of time for a question and answer period so that the concerns of our parents can be addressed by the school administration.
    Thank you for your continued support and participation.  We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, June 7,  2014.


    PTA Executive Board

  • Good Evening,  This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important reminder . There is a half day of school for students in grades 6 and 7 tomorrowJune 3rd.  Students will be dismissed at 11:05 a.m. after lunch.  8th Grade students will report at 8:00 a.m. to sit for the Common Core Algebra Regents.  Thank you and have a pleasant evening.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at

  • The 8th grade trip to Club Getaway, located in New Milford CT, is scheduled for tomorrow, May 16th.  Students must be at the school by 6:45 a.m.  We will not return until 9:00 p.m. Friday evening. 

    If you are not picking your child up, a written note from you, giving your child permission to go home on their own is needed by tomorrow morning.  No student will be permitted to go home without written permission from the parent/guardian.  

    Each student was given a trip information packet today, please take a few minutes to look over the material which discusses what to bring and what not to bring.

    You can also click on Club Getaway's website to view what activitiessample schedule and menu of what the facility has to offer.

  • 8th Grade Trip 2014

    May 15, 2014


    Good Evening 8th Grade Parent/Guardian,

    The 8th grade trip to Club Getaway is scheduled for tomorrow, May 16th.  Students must be at the school by 6:45 a.m.  We will not return until 9:00 p.m. Friday evening.  If you are not picking your child up, a written note from you, giving your child permission to go home on their own is needed by tomorrow morning.  No student will be permitted to go home without written permission from the parent/guardian.  Thank you and have a pleasant evening.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit the website at


    Buenas Noches padre/tutor de ocho grado,

    El viaje de ocho grado es mañana, el 16 de mayo. Los estudiantes deben estar en la escuela por 6:45 en la mañana, no volveremos  a las 9:00 p.m. el viernes por la noche. Si no vas a recoger tú niño,  escrita una nota de usted, dando a su hijo permiso para ir a su casa en su propio. Es necesario regresarlo mañana por la mañana. Ningún estudiante será permitido ir a casa sin el permiso escrito de los padres/guardianes. Muchas gracias y que tenga una agradable velada. Si usted ha perdido cualquier parte de este mensaje, por favor, visite el sitio web de



    明天,五月十六日是八年級畢業旅行的日子。學生必須在早上六點四十五分到校集合。我們將於星期五晚上九點左右返校。如果您不準備親自來接您的孩子,請於明天早上讓您的孩子帶一張准許您的孩子星期五晚上自行回家的書面許可便條到校。沒有此張書面許可便條,學生將無法自行回家。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是 謝謝您! 晚安。

  • Dear EWSIS Staff, Parents, and Guardians,


    Attached is the May issue of our parent newsletter, Parent Connections for you to peruse.

    We would like to highlight that our PTA Fundraiser Dinner featuring our school's production of "West Side Story" will be taking place this coming Wednesday & Thursday, May 7 & 8 from 5-8 PM.  Tickets are now on sale for $5.00 per dinner plate.  Students can purchase tickets at Morning Muster or 3rd period lunch.  Please support the PTA and the cast & crew of our musical production by buying tickets & coming out to the school for our dinner & a show on one of those two evenings, It will be a relaxing and enjoyable evening of fun, food, music & dancing.

    Hope to see you there.


    Denise Eng

    PTA Communications Chairperson

  • Good Evening, this is the East-West school of International studies calling with an exciting announcement. Our school's production of "West Side Story" will be taking place this coming Wednesday & Thursday, May 7 & 8. The dinner will begin at 5:00 pm, followed by the show at 6:00 pm. Please support the cast & crew of our musical production and our PTA by buying tickets and coming out to the school for our dinner & a show on one of those two evenings. Tickets are now on sale for $5.00 per dinner plate.  It will be a relaxing and enjoyable evening of fun, food, music & dancing. If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at

    Buenas Noches, este es la escuela East-West llamando con un interesante anuncio. Nuestra escuela producción de "West Side Story" tendrá lugar este  miércoles y jueves el 7 y 8 de mayo a las cinco hasta las ocho de la noche. Por favor, apoye los estudiantes de nuestra producción musical y nuestro PTA. Puedes  comprar billetes y llegar a la escuela para nuestra cena y un  show una de esas dos noches. Las entradas son cinco dólares  ya a la venta por plato. Será una tarde agradable y relajante de la diversión alimentos de música y baile. Si usted ha perdido cualquier porción de este mensaje, por favor visite nuestro sitio web en


    您好! 這裡是東西方國際學習學校打來告訴您一個重要的訊息。由學校所製作的〝西城故事〞音樂劇將於這個星期三及星期四,五月七日及八日隆重上演。下午五點供應晚餐,六點音樂劇準時上演。請支持我們音樂劇的製作及藉著向家長教師協會購買門票,在這两天中其中一天來參加這個重要的晚宴及看表演。每張入場券為五元。這將是一個有美食,音及舞蹈且輕鬆,愉快的夜晚。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站。學校網址是 謝謝您,晚安。

  • May 2014 PTA Meeting

    May 1, 2014


    "Hello. This is the East-West School of International Studies calling to remind you that our next PTA meeting will be held on this Saturday morning, May 3rd at 10:00 AM. All parents and guardians are cordially invited to attend. The business portion of the meeting will offer updated news for parents. We will be having our PTA Elections for 2014-2015 so we are looking for parents to run for next year's PTA Executive Board and School Leadership Team.  So please, come and let your voice be heard. It will also include reports from our Principal, Assistant Principals, and other staff members. And as always, we will provide plenty of time for a question and answer period.  Please join us for this informative meeting. If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at Thank you and have a pleasant evening."


    "Hola. Este es la escuela East-West llamando para darle recuerdo que nuestra próxima reunión de PTA se celebrará este sábado el 3 de Mayo a las  10:00 de la mañana. Todos los padres y tutores están cordialmente invitados a asistir. La empresa parte de la reunión se ofrecerá noticias actualizadas para los padres. Vamos a tener nuestra PTA Elecciones para período 2014-2015 por lo que se busca a los padres para el próximo año del PTA Junta Ejecutiva y la dirección de los centros escolares. Así que, por favor agá  que se escuche tu voz. También se incluirán los informes de nuestros principales Los Subdirectores y otros miembros del personal. Y como siempre nos proporcionará un montón de tiempo para un periodo de preguntas y respuestas. Por favor, únase a nosotros para la presente reunión informativa. Si usted ha perdido cualquier porción de este mensaje por favor visite nuestro sitio web en Muchas gracias y que tenga una agradable velada".


    您好! 這裡是東西方國際學習學校打來提醒您,五月份的家長教師協會會議是在這個星期六,五月三日,早上十點舉行。竭誠歡迎所有家長及監護人來参加這個會議。會議內容將提供最新訊息給家長。我們將選2014-2015年PTA成員,因此,我們正在尋找家長來競選明年的PTA執行委員及學校領導團隊。所以,請來參加並讓我們聽聽您的心聲。校務部分包括校長,副校長們及其他工作人員的報告。如往常一樣,您將有足夠的時間提問。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是 謝謝您! 晚安


  • Dear East-West Parents, Guardians, and Staff,

    You are cordially invited to our next PTA meeting which will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2014 at 10:00 AM.  We will start with a delicious breakfast buffet and then proceed to the business portion of the meeting.

    The business portion of the meeting will offer information useful to parents from the PTA. We will be conducting our Annual PTA Executive Board Elections. We are still looking for parents interested in joining the PTA Executive Board and the School Leadership Team.  Attached is a brief description of each position and their responsibilities. Please come and let your voice be heard!  If you are interested in getting involved or would like more information, please contact us at .

    The meeting will also include reports from our Principal, Mr. Sherman and our Assistant Principals, Ms. Bradsher and Mr. Chang.

    And finally, we always allow plenty of time for a question and answer period so that the concerns of our parents can be addressed by the school administration.

    Thank you for your continued support and participation.  We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, May 3, 2014.

    PTA Executive Board

    Click here for a brief description of each PTA position and their responsibilities.

  • School Survey Deadline Extended

    April 23, 2014


    Good Evening, This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important announcement.  The deadline for parent surveys has been extended to May 1st for anyone replying online and May 2nd for those wishing to send their completed survey through the mail.  The surveys were mailed out to you a couple of weeks ago.  Please take a few moments to fill out the survey.  It is extremely important that you let your voice be heard.  We hope you can take a few minutes to fill out the survey.  Your opinion counts!  Thank you and have a pleasant evening.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit the website at


    Buenas Noches,  Este es la escuela East-West llamando con un anuncio importante. La fecha límite para las encuestas de padres, se ha ampliado para el 1  de Mayo para cualquiera que respuesta en la computadora y el 2 de mayo para quienes deseen enviar su estudio completado a través del correo. Las encuestas fueron enviadas por correo a usted hace un par de semanas. Por favor tome unos minutos para completar la encuesta. Es sumamente importante que usted deje que su voz sea escuchada. Esperamos que usted puede tomar unos minutos a rellenar la encuesta. Tu opinión cuenta! Muchas gracias y que tenga una agradable velada. Si usted ha perdido cualquier porción de este mensaje, por favor visite el sitio web de


    您好! 這裡是東西方國際學習學校打來告訴您一個重要的訊息。網上填寫家長問卷調查表截止日巳延至五月一日,以郵寄方式家長問卷調查表截止日也巳延至五月二日。此問卷調查表巳於兩星期前寄出給您。煩請利用幾分鐘的時間填寫此表。讓我們知道您的想法對我們是非常重要的。我們非常希望您能用幾分鐘的時間填寫此問卷調查表。您的意見非常重要。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是 謝謝您! 晚安。

  • Parent Survey

    April 9, 2014


    Good Evening, This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important reminder. The deadline for parent surveys is April 11th.  The surveys were mailed out to you last week.  Please take a few moments to fill out the survey.  There are two options:  paper ballot, which must be postmarked before April 11th or via the web. It is extremely important that you let your voice be heard.  We hope you can take a few minutes to fill out the survey.  Your opinion counts!  Thank you and have a pleasant evening.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit the website at


    Buenas Noches Este es la escuela East-West llamando  con un importante recordatorio. La fecha límite para las encuestas de padres es  11 de abril. Las encuestas fueron enviadas por correo a usted la semana pasada. Por favor tome unos minutos para completar la encuesta. Hay dos opciones, una papeleta de papel que debe ser mataselladas antes 11 de abril o a través de la web. Es sumamente importante que usted deje que su voz sea escuchada. Esperamos que usted puede tomar unos minutos a rellenar la encuesta. Tu opinión cuenta! Muchas gracias y que tenga una agradable velada. Si usted ha perdido cualquier porción de este mensaje , por favor visite el sitio web de


    您好! 這裡是東西方國際學習學校打來提醒您一個重要的訊息。四月十一日是家長問卷調查表截止日,我們巳於上個星期將此表寄出給您。煩請利用幾分鐘的時間填寫此表。您有兩種選擇,一是填寫此表並於四月十一日前寄出,二是上綱完成此表。讓我們知道您的想法對我們是非常重要的。我們非常希望您能用幾分鐘的時間填寫此問卷調查表。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是 謝謝您! 晚安。
